
By atoll

Eyes Like Spitfires

Interview for a new consultancy in Swansea Friday morning at 10am, so spent Thursday night in Bristol with MrsB, Martin and Angela. Only problem with my cunning plan to break the journey in two, were the bottles of 4.5% Spitfire Ale selling for £1.00 a bottle in Sainsbury's tonight. Oh dear, not the greatest preparation for an early night before a job pitch the next day. What ever happened to will power?

Martin is coming along with me for the ride tomorrow and MrsB is spending the day in Bristol chilling and making a fiery curry for Friday night to sort out Angela's terrible cold (oh, and for us all to all enjoy as well of course).

After the interview me and Martin are going down to Swansea marina to check out the yachting facilities for Betty Blue, before heading back to Bristol. A nice pub beckons at some point after the sun has passed yardarm no doubt.

A good day in prospect all in all, as long as I wake up in time.

Postscript: Spitfire Ale is now Shepherd Neame's biggest-selling cask conditioned ale, and has Protected Geographical Indication - the same regional produce protection afforded to Champagne.

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