After the rain
This critter caught my eye in the wet field
A froghopper
A strange name for a strange creature.
Sunday night I struggled once again with the diary for school on T.'s speach computer. I always start too late, I know that. It was a long weekend, so I had loads of pics for her. About 2 am the computer gave me a white screen. Bummer! I fixed it (new start) and finished my work very tired at 3:30am. The PC wanted to know, where he has to save it (that he is never asking) and I gave him the wrong answer. But I didn't noticed it. After 2 hours of sleep (I know :-( ) a difficult day begun too tired and with enormous headache. But so what. When T. arrived after school, she told me, that the main part of her computer didn't work, only her diary.
I decided to give it a look later and two hours later a thought came slowly in my mind and I realized, that I had destroyed the computer by saving the diary over the main part. 270 pages with complex connections, about 6000 words and phrases, developed over 4 years - gone.
You can imagine, I wasn't very happy about this.
I really hoped, that somewhere would be a backup....
I gave the PC in the proficient hands of J. when he arrived at home and he noticed, that there was no easy solution. Gone is gone. But after 4 hours of researching J. could tell me, that the program was back! Yeah!!!!!!
You can't imagine how big the relief was. That was not only a stone falling from my heart, that were big mountains....
Next on the to-do-list: Make a complete backup!
(I know that I will produce another chaos one day....)
Thank you J.! You saved my day month!
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