
By Grimsayer

Les Saints de Glace

Talk of summer has proved to premature. Earlier in the week, talking to locals in the bar when I mentioned I had planted out my tomatoes and aubergines, there was tutting and mention of Les Saints de Glace. Three saints' days, May 11th, 12th and 13th before which the locals won't plant out summer vegetables. With temperatures in the high twenties how I inwardly scoffed. Local foolish tradition - bah humbug.
Today when we went to the campsite for le Menu de Chevreau, one of the cars parked there still had twenty cm of snow on it  As you can see, looking up the valley, the tops of the hills had a smattering of snow. We got down to 3C but avoided frost so my fingers are crossed for our tomato and aubergine crop. Next year, I might consider the Saints' Days more seriously.
Le Menu de Chevreau - Kid's menu I suppose it could be called but with a very different meaning to the normal one - is a feature of the Sablieres culinary calendar every May. The goat keeps on coming in a variety of forms as well as the campsite salade and puddings, seven courses for 28 euros. Not a meal to be taken lightly.
Amazing that a campsite restaurant in the middle of nowhere and only open at the weekend at this time of year, managed to fill 80 covers for lunch today, as it does every weekend the owner said. It brings them in from far and wide - the snow covered car however had only come twenty km!

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