
By MartinN

A sight for sore eyes

It was the regular eye check-up at the hospital today.  It happens every six months but it isn't usually as bad as it was today.

After getting checked in and having drops put in both eyes to make the pupils dilate I was asked to wait for a scan and then be seen by a consultant.  After waiting for 75 mins after my allotted appointment time I was informed that my name had not been included in the technicians list and as the dilating drops had started to wear off I would have to have them reapplied and then get any eyes scanned.  I was told it was to be carried out by the latest retina-tracking gizmo!

This I did and then only waited for about 5 mins before the consultant called me in, announced that the scans had not turned up and shone a bright light in my eyes, just like the good old days.

To cap it all, the sun was scorching down when I got out, nearly sending me blind with my unresponsive pupils!!

Home to sit in a darkened room, with a cool drink!

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