Running Repairs?

If you look straight up into the tree above these runners you will see a Bloke. (Better in large) You might not see that he has a chainsaw and has for the last 2 days been nibbling bits off the tree in a way that doesn’t bring the power lines below it down or any other serious distraction.
It has been a slooooo process as the road below gets closed every time he wants to cut and you are not allowed to walk up the footpath either.

The tree is losing the battle.

In other news the carpet bloke is making progress and we are hopeful of a satisfactory conclusion before The Boss gets her (T) and The Bossess at the same time on Friday.
Meanwhile The Bossess is “enjoying” the slightly more photographic weather in Wellington on today’s extra and Mr Vivaldi is playing his 4 seasons in the background which is highly appropriate given what’s happening outside.
Back to watch “Safe” on Netflix tonight. 4 episodes to go before ZZZ time.….Wonderful plot.


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