Wealth of choices, I settled on a grasshopper!
This is the Eastern Lubber Grasshopper. It is not poisonous, but it can be toxic. You do not want to pick one up. I believe that is when they emit a toxic spray, when they feel threatened -ewww! I took my photos and a couple of very short video clips and made my 1 minute, Eastern Lubber Grasshopper video!
See it here, I think it's cool! (and very short!) Or, you can read more about them on the University of Florida website.
I had a lovely walk at Conservatory Park on the way home from a Chiropractic appt - I thought of rower2012 as we walked there together when he came to visit Steve & me . . . all the way from Australia! Such lovely memories. I will choose a photo from that walk today and one of my boy, Lightning sitting so handsomely on my studio work space for my "extra photos". No pics of Steve today :o) although each day he is getter better! He talked with the nurse today about his bandage and goes next week to see his Doctor. Physical therapy is happening at his own pace at home and when he sees the Doctor and is more healed, there will be outpatient PT prescribed for him. He's doing really well. ❤Thanks for all your thoughts & wishes.
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