Monday: Yaletown

I fear daily blipping may be coming to an end.  My photo uploader on my iPad has become unresponsive and, as it's an older model, that type of uploader is obsolete.  So it means uploading from the computer and that's not something I'm going to be able to get round to every night -mainly because I'm disinclined to sit in front of the big screen at home when I do it most of the day.  

I'll still post a photo every day but it may be a few at a time as I get round to it.  I guess it might mean a new iPad at some point but I don't want to have to get one just for this.

I had a working dinner with some folks from the 'Globe and Mail' tonight in Yaletown (where this photo was taken).  I tend to forget that it's a pretty nifty area to hang out in.

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