
By maddogmagpie

The long trudge home

Another long day at work.

Nothing bad happened, nothing went wrong, but I think I’ve reached the point where my current project has ‘delighted me enough’. Part of the issue is I’m in the process of escaping into a new role, but it’s taking longer than I hoped.

I’m also becoming aware that I’m probably better behaved in work in my old age. We had a call to go through a response from a 3rd party which was challenging whether things we were asking for are in the scope of our original agreement or not. And I think I was pretty reasonable about it all, happily accepting that the business needs had turned out to be more complex than expected in a number of areas - even though a few of their points were a real stretch. But then the last point was we had asked them to set up around 50 users, and they had stated that wasn’t in the scope of the original agreement. Not, it was more than they expected, just completely out of scope.

So, I actually heard my patience snap at this point. I mean, obviously when you have spent all this time and effort setting up and configuring a new system, expecting anyone to then go ahead and use it is a bit of a crazy, left field move, but I’m pretty sure we mentioned that this was exactly the sort of mad as a box of frogs move we planned to make.

And people laughed, and commented that I had the sarcasm dialled up today, but the thing is I was barely pushing 3 on a scale that goes all the way to 11. So maybe I’ve mellowed too much.

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