Not much finesse, I know......

........but just had this 'burger, and it was delicious!!!!

Woke up this morning to dismal weather, heavy rain. We decided to go to the pictures in the afternoon to see the new Bond movie 'Skyway'...... so off went the HG down the town centre to meet his mates and also to get tickets for the afternoon showing. Meanwhile I made a big pot of soup, and tidied around as you do. And would you believe at around noon the sun came out and it was a glorious afternoon....... but we had cinema tickets!!!!

Had some lunch and then went off to the cinema; good film, a bit short on plot, not as good as the early Bond movies (Sean Connery for me, Daniel Craig is a bit more wooden but does have a great body).

Anyway, to get back to our day, came home and had a plate of the soup I had made in the morning, and then we had beefburgers, and as I totally forgot all about a blip today, this is what you get. My beefburger, which was great!!!!

Hope you all had a good Friday!

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