The day started a bit fresh, but soon the sun warmed us again.
In the morning just a few jobs in the garden and some lazy hour too.
Piet Hein suggested to drive to Helmarshausen, walk along the Diemel till the bridge for the walk- and cycle users, and let the only farm there on our right and continue to walk the small path along the Diemel.
An excellent plan because I expected to find more banded demoiselles there.
We had a nice conversation with the farmer-woman, who happened to have seen us taking photos of the waving millet stalks and had wondered why we did that. She said she found this too a beautiful sight when the wind blew.
We saw an amazing number of the male banded demoiselles, but they were so quick in just flying away when I or Piet Hein came near. I followed many but they knew well to fly high up, or down in the slope towards the river.
But in the end I found one that posed in a special way for me, keeping an eye on me all the time. A magical moment.
It certainly was a joyful but tiring walk, the sun shone brightly, too hot to lay in the grass.

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