Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Pun with vegetables

I went to the village at 7am to get milk and veg. There was a little dispute going on in the greengrocer’s, I suspect unrequited affections may have been at the bottom of it. First time I’ve ever had people airing their differences over my head whilst I was trying to select mushrooms.
“I hope your day gets better” I said when I paid.
“Oh don’t worry, it will” said laughing boy (as I like to refer to this particular purveyor of grocery). He is an odd mixture of the cynical and the optimist. We once had a very informed conversation about the impact of psychological stress on physical health. What they call a “clever geezer” in South London. But I suspect he’s carrying a lot of emotional cabbage...
Later I read an article about how sensitive, intelligent and feeling plant life is on the BBC web site. There was a rather cautious inference that the fruitarians had got it right and we should no more eat plants than we should animals. This is a an argument that carnivores often throw at vegans like me. The big difference is that you can humanely grow and eat vegetables whereas livestock and dairy methods of farming are inherently inhumane given the population of planet earth we are trying to feed today. Plus, of course, carrots don’t give you a sad look when you chop them up.
I did once feel guilty about eating some courgettes I had grown but not for long. I had looked after these plants and treated them well. They were just fulfilling their destiny...
Didn’t feel too good this afternoon and had to veg out for a while. Think the last three days had been a bit too much. I was shivering from my head tomatoes ...

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