Oor Wullie...

The eternal optimist! A wee selfie in there too! Photo taken from a screenprint hanging in Thomas Tosh, art Gallery/ tearoom Thornhill.

Oor Wullie and The Broons are cartoon strips that appear every week in the Sunday Post newspaper. Both strips have achieved legendary status and in 2016 they celebrated their 80th anniversary!
Oor Wullie is the iconic wee Scottish laddie from the fictional town of Auchenshoogle. The image of Wullie sitting on his upturned bucket, wearing his famous black dungarees is as familiar to Scots as Edinburgh Castle. Wullie wages a constant war against boredom and he includes attending school in his list of boring things to do. He is a great righter of wrongs and will bravely tackle bullies to protect his lifelong pals Fat Bob, Soapy Soutar and Wee Eck. His occasional girlfriend Primrose Patterson is the only one allowed to call him William.
Oor Wullie is so loved by the Scottish nation that in a survey conducted in 2004 the young scamp was voted ‘Scotland’s Favourite Son’, beating William Wallace and Sean Connery into second and 3rd places, with Rabbie Burns a distant 4th!

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