
Lots of different shades. That’s what I see when I look at my garden at the moment. There are a few purple and lilac aquilegia out, but mostly it’s just the beginnings of summer, popping their face up to see if it’s warm enough yet. The giant hosta hasn’t suffered by the reduction and is beginning to open up. The other half which I transplanted is actually a little bit ahead, with leaves almost open. They don’t seem as large as I remember. Perhaps it’s just my memory that has shrunk!

It has been quite a busy day. Jon left at 6am with a trailer full of fence panels to take to his mum’s neighbour. It’s a two day job so we will catch up with him tomorrow morning, when we drive down. So not much of a lie in planned.

My work was busy, and at lunchtime I sat in the sun with my proof copy and an orange highlighter pen. I have found several bits to change, but nothing major yet. Hopefully I’ll get time Sunday to start the edit. I left the office feeling in a good place. Lots to do next week, but a weekend to enjoy before that.

Went to Morrison’s with Mollie. It was nice to have her back helping me. I put her back on the car insurance this week, so she drove us. As she hasn’t driven since last September it was good to practice with me in the passenger seat. I’ll be driving to Cambridge tomorrow though ;)

Gogglebox is on as I type. Not really my thing. Then I think we are all off to bed...

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