Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

The new drives out the old ... unless ...

Dialectics is a method of thinking and interpreting the world of both nature and society. It is a way of looking at the universe, which sets out from the axiom that everything is in a constant state of change and flux. But not only that. Dialectics explains that change and motion involve contradiction and can only take place through contradictions. So instead of a smooth, uninterrupted line of progress, we have a line which is interrupted by sudden and explosive periods in which slow, accumulated changes (quantitative change) undergoes a rapid acceleration, in which quantity is transformed into quality. Dialectics is the logic of contradiction.

- Marxism.com

Took this picture from a side road off Tooley Street near London Bridge. I thought the juxtaposition of old and new was amusing. Less amusing were the two meetings I went to today, one about the NHS reforms and the other about future NHS regulation. Both made me realise that there really are many, many serious problems ahead. The new drives out the old. Sometimes for the better, sometimes not.

On which subject, went to see Skyfall tonight. A clever homage in the 50th year of Bond movies. Nice one Mr Mendes. The new drives out the old, unless you can integrate them as in the endlessly re-invented Bond .... James Bond ...

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