
By LifeLines

Thank you

The day of a royal wedding and the FA cup final and glorious sunny weather.  I spent the morning at home with Merlin and baked some cakes, whilst Andy did some food shopping to prepare for my sister and her family who are visiting us tomorrow.  Later I went to my allotment and did some grass cutting and some watering - the spinach, carrots and Swiss chard (the latter from last year!) are doing very well and my sweet corn are just starting to grow.  I've also got plenty of red currants and blueberries this year - exciting!  Sadly many of the other allotment holders haven't yet been to their allotments this year so they are looking rather overgrown.  I do understand how people struggle though as its a lot of work to maintain on on top of everything else life demands and tempts us to do!

I spotted this painted stone hidden in one of the walls in the village.  It is one of those hidden stones which people paint and then put in tucked away places for others to find.  When you find one you can report it on the relevant social media page for your local community's painted stones, so you can follow the story of the stone you painted.  Then the finder usually places it somewhere different for someone else to find.  Apparently you can touch up stones if when you find them they look they need some tlc.

Many thanks for all your good wishes.  I did have a rest yesterday and managed to plant both our new climbing roses.  It was so good to do something outside and something constructive.

Wishing you all a very happy Saturday evening.

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