Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

A great day and a special occasion

I’m talking of course about the Surrey Vegan Fair in Woking which was packed to the rafters with great food, plant based clothes and cosmetics, and lovely like minded people. We went with Mrs W and young H, who entered into the spirit of the thing and got free samples to nibble on from practically every stallholder (see extra).

We bumped into so many people we knew, it was lovely. So nice to see so many people with a shared view of the world, the thing about being vegan is that it gives you a sense of belonging. It’s practically a religion on one level, but based on something tangible rather than an implausible belief system.

I think there was a wedding on somewhere as well. They tell me the vicar did a good job. Saw a bit of it (unintentionally) in a wine bar we dipped into - the after church bit with lots of hand waving and smiles and flag waving. The place was almost deserted apart from a really elderly couple who had parked themselves in front of the telly with a trolley full of cheese and a carafe of wine. They had a great vibe to them. I think TSM wanted to take them and young H home (instant family kind of thing). It was a "love is all around" kind of day, I even saw our waiter dancing in the street with the bloke from the greengrocers next door at one point. Amazing what a sunny day and some vegan food can do for you.

I remember my mum recounting watching the coronation on TV in 1953. As communists - by which I mean actual paid up party members - she and my father had a difference of opinion as to whether it was fawningly deferential to an outmoded institution that had been adapted by capitalism to help continue the oppression and exploitation of the proletariat, or whether it was just a nice bit of telly you would tell your grandchildren about. I think they ended up watching it and had the neighbours in as well.

I got to push young H home in his buggy whilst TSM and Mrs W did some shopping. Then we all sat in the garden eating vegan cakes and playing with the cats.

The late afternoon was chilled, snoozing and reading in the sun. TSM cooked some very tasty gnocchi and we lit the fire pit before FaceTiming The Girl Racer in Canada.

Great day.

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