Looking for the beauty

By looking4beauty

The Wrekin

What a fantastic day. Beautiful weather, a lovely wedding and a great walk with Chris. We went to the gym first thing and by the time we got back with the crusty bread and doughnuts, I'd missed the 'I wills' but I still got to see Meghan's beautiful dress and jewellery and a very nervous looking Harry. I felt choked that his mum wasn't there to spend the day with him and I hope that they make a success of their marriage as I really like Harry.
This afternoon we made the most of the sunshine and headed to the Wrekin. We haven't been for years and I'd forgotten how steep it is but we got to the top in about 35 minutes. The view was stunning on such a gorgeous day. After taking loads of photos, we headed home just in time for the Sainsbury's delivery! I finished a good book today: 'A Boy made of Blocks', and started The Seven Imperfect Rules of Elvira Carr, which seems very similar so far to Eleanor Oliphant if you're a fan.

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