Sunday lunch

Today we went out for a carvery at the 'Castle Inn'. Whenever Ann has Sunday lunch she always has beef. Beef is very, very tasty but Ann usually feeds all her lunch into her own tummy so I have to rely on her friends to give me tasty little titbits.

Sooooo......................... I rested my head on Heather's lap and gave her my appealing look and she gave me some huge little bits of beef. Yum, yum!

Ann and Heather were going to have a diet coke with lunch, but once in the 'Castle' they decided they might as well have a bottle of wine. And then, as it was such a nice day, we went to the 'Beach Bar' so they could have another glass of wine in the sunshine..................

When we got home, Ann had to have a little lie down because lunch time drinking makes her sleepy.

….............And now Mr Sunshine has gone away so there will be no wine drinking on the sun terrace this evening!

….............And my dinner has been out for me for about an hour but I'm a bit sleepy too.

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