
By DramaQueen

Man with pole!

Our evenings entertainment turned out to be rather spectacular, for all the wrong reasons!!! The show 'Do you wanna dance' was a non stop tribute to all things dance. The opening number saw the male lead rise from below stage, a la Freddie Mercury...all very serious until he looked our way (we think so anyway) and we saw he was boss eyed!
One of the other dancers was giving it his all throughout the performances but every time he did a spin, the front row got pebbledashed with his sweat!
The grand finale came during Riverdance (the ship was navigating the Bay of Biscay at the time and obviously wasn't a smooth sail) when part of the lighting rig came down and starting swinging side to side rather violently!!!
Today's blip shows the pivotal moment of the show for me, when a stage hand appeared, large pole in hand, to try and steady the rig! (Riverdancer in foreground....man with pole background on the left!)

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