Mrs Evil Goat

By MrsEvilgoat

Been a very lazy day. Mr EG brought me croissants and tea in bed before he went on his bike ride this morning so I had a lie in and read my book. I can get used to this. Then Me and the Pegster had a very sedate walk. She's a bit wobbly on her legs these days and I'm waddling everywhere so we make a good pair!

Spent a couple of hours at the stables, in snow flurries, lungeing Lime. He is looking great at the moment and is so full of energy. Think the first time I get back on board is going to be fun! We did our usual walk, trot, canter and then put a jump up. He's starting to judge better how high to jump now whereas before he was clearing them with feet to spare, so hopefully when I can start riding again jumping will be a bit less hair raising! Maybe I will even make it to a couple of local shows this summer.

Spent the rest of the afternoon snoozling in front of the fire and watching an old James Bond film. Off to make a Mousakka now, happy in the knowledge that tomorrow I don't have to get up for work. Hope we get snowed in so Mr EG doesn't have to go to work.

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