
By JennyD

Photography project

This is Austin. He is nine years old.  His parents took his sister to Bath for a gymnastics competition and Austin opted to spend the time with his grandparents.  I settled on photography as a project for the day and gave him brief instruction on how to use my Coolpix little camera.
- He could take as many shots as he wished.
- Anything that appealed to him
- He would download the shots onto a laptop
- Delete anything that he thought was rubbish
- Run through again and evaluate each picture and edit for better composition.
- Choose 20 best shots
- Print off and insert in a little album as a "memory of the day in Marston"

We walked a 3 mile circuit of the local fields.  He took 81 shots which he reduced down to 40 and then made his selection.  He initially went for colour, so mainly flowers but then started to see the trees and later still he started to see things of interest.  His head never stopped twisting along the route and he took more and more care when he actually took a shot.

He thoroughly enjoyed the day and his words were tripping over each other as he described the experience to his parents upon their return.

The extra is his "shot of the day".

.... oh, and it was a lovely day for Nanna - one for the memory box!

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