Treasure Everywhere

By RobT

Rialto Market

Venice day 3 and still resisting the gondola shots. Well, I am taking lots of cliched Venice shots to be honest, just trying to pick the less obvious ones for the daily blip...

Today we wandered through the Rialto market, by the famous bridge of the same name. Very, very busy place. Good to see that local people and businesses still buy all their produce fresh and daily. This stall caught my eye - bunches and bunches of fresh chillies. I had to crop out the very grumpy stallholder though. I guess he'd rather I bought some than photographed them.

After that, a trip round the Palazzo Ducale, the Doges' Palace, in St Mark's Square. Probably the highlight so far - fascinating place, especially the Bridge of Sighs part. All photography banned though, outrageously! I did sneak a few shots in...

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