Selfies from the Brink

By Markus_Hediger

The Waitress

Just to give you an idea what I'm working on photography-wise (besides the writing and my "real" work). I'm trying to develop a series on those who remain largely anonymous and invisible in the tourist industry - the waiters/waitresses, chefs, those who work in the countless shops - by doing the opposite: making everything else fuzzy and focusing the eye on these people. I'm not sure if this approach works. Please let me know.
This picture was composed using one photography in multiple overlays, some of Nik's analog filters and a bit of Photoshop on the waitress. 
I hope this explains why I'm not blipping daily anymore. It takes a lot of time to choose, compose, and finalize an image like that. I have been working on this picture for three days now and I'm still not sure if this is the right way to go.

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