
By MuchAdo

The Veiled Lady (the Bride) by Rafaelle Monti

Ever since I saw this statue in the film Pride & Prejudice I have wanted to see it in person.
It is part of the collection housed at Chatsworth House in Derbyshire and was purchased by the Duke of Devonshire.
When you look at this sculpture from a distance it's almost as though you are seeing a woman's face through a thin fabric veil.You are in fact looking at solid marble. With this piece of trompe l'oeil (French for fool-the-eye) Rafaelle Monti makes you think you can see through stone.
It's all to do with careful carvery and the use of a few tricks. The head and shoulders are polished smooth to reflect the light but where the veil falls across the face the marble is less polished and reflects the light less, suggesting the texture of the fabric.
This small bust is actually a replica and is on sale in the gift shop. The original is currently on display in the library at Chatsworth House

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