
By Mindseye

Lost Ness

After a warm and somewhat disrupted nights sleep we were all up and sat outside after breakfast....bit more cloud than recently though.

We had a flying visit from our neice, who's 40th we missed due to the beast from the east, which was a nice surprise!

We then headed out to Warsash for yet snother pub lunch ;-) A nice leisurely stroll afterwards, by which time the sky had cleared and the temperature rising to 24 degrees :-)

I took quite a few shots around the harbour, but it was so bright and sunny they are not really the best. This is the best of a bad bunch. Chosen only because it features the Lost Loch Ness ;-)

We've lazed around this afternoon, Ive packed our bags, hubs just loaded them in the car. Sis in law has just made us a sandwich to tide us over until we get back home, hopefully by 10.30 tonight all being well :-/

Back to normal tomorrow.........looks like its still warm and sunny though ;-)

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