The rest of forever...

By DrMac

My naughty big sister...

Lottie is a minx. On our walk this morning we had a beautiful moment as the three of them walked to heel and we watched an owl flying low through the ditches in the early morning light. Just perfect. Then Lottie legged it and started to chase the owl - ignoring my shouts and whistles! Little cowbag! I'm afraid she got told off when she came back, though Pippa looked more sorry than she did!

I got to the gym ready for it opening to do my intervals set and then came back to get the dogs over to the vet for their annual injections. Back home and then to Newark to collect dry cleaning and over to Lincoln to meet Mum and Dad and do more jobs. Home finally to speak to you - yeah!- then a dog walk in the dark. And now we are getting changed to go out for dinner on The Barge - fish dish heaven for me!!

Speak to you tomorrow on your big special birthday! Yippee!! xxx

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