You'll Remember a Place

Work was rubbish today. 

Failures in communication, wrong places at the wrong times, question, questions and more questions. 

i was exhausted when I got home. 

Dinner outside. Lovely. 

Then i disposed of some of the leeks.  Then I repotted.  And then Best of off, I was looking for a new pot for more flowers, and I was raking around and I found a Bamboo shoot which I had "obtained", and it was producing a NEW SHOOT.  I was beyond excited.   

It is now planted pride of place. 

Also- I got three little baby dahlias, which look like Groot from Guardians of the Galaxy.  They are in.   Himself watered everything.  I pottered.  Then,  at 910 I decided to head to the beach. 

Oh my heavens.I am so glad I did. 

water was flat, flat calm.  air was sooo still.  Mr Heron was fishing.  3 other people were on the beach and we all stood slightly apart and said "Wow". 

Just "wow". 

I watched it til the Sun disappeared behind Jura., miles, and miles, and miles away.  

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