cherish what remains

By clothgirl


National Museum of Women in the Arts, Arkansas Chapter Fundraising Dinner

The afternoon began with cocktails at the Fay Jones designed home of Sam & Helen Walton. Have you ever been in a Fay Jones home? He was a student of Frank Lloyd Wright and his work bears similarities. Jones favors walls of windows covered by a very low roof, beams, stone floors, wood paneling and indoor ponds. We were told that Alice Walton has been living there while she opens the nearby Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art and that she had had the home "refreshed". It was beautifully done and a special treat to be invited in...

Next was The Way of Color, Turrell Skypace located on the grounds of Crystal Bridges. I think it is my favorite work the museum owns. Turrell's art uses the way our eyes/brains see light to manipulate color. It is fascinating and inspiring.

After that was a delicious dinner and great conversation...then I gave a speech about my work (special thanks to etherghost for reassuring me that I could/should speak from my heart) and they auctioned off one of my paintings...everyone was happy with the money that was raised...

and finally there was chocolate dessert, champagne, and sweet dreams...

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