Extra Ordinary

By PhilippaJ

Public Service

I bring this to you as a service. I queued for what felt like hours to bring you this shot, now you dont have to.

The Tower of London was good fun, lots of old walls, swords, ravens, wire mesh "menagerie" and of course the Crown Jewels. We wouldnt have bothered with the crowns and stuff but Daisy wanted to see them. We sent her to stand in the queue first while Gloria made the fatal mistake of asking Will what toys he is into. Cue a 90 minute lecture on the intracacies of Skylanders. Gloria now has a favourite Skylander which she has promised to buy herself and bring to our house at Christmas to play with Will. I think she enjoyed herself, it is nearly forty years since my cousin (her son) was Will's age - she has probably forgotten the obsessive detail of little boys. V busy train home, but a v good day out all round.

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