
By RichardLyons

James Clerk Maxwell MA. LLD (Edin) FRSS 1831-1879

Within the ruin of the old Kirk at Parton lie the remains of James Clerk Maxwell, Professor of Experimental Physics at Cambridge University and truly a founding father of modern science. He devised various theories and equations on electromagnetism, optics, molecules, etc and published classic works such as "Electricity and Magnetism" (1878).

Albert Einstein said that Sir Issac Newton and James Clerk Maxwell were the greatest influences in his own work, of which the theory of relativity is probably the most famous.

Clerk Maxwell was born in the family house in Edinburgh and came to live at their estate at Glenlair, near Parton when he was 2 years old. This remained his home until his death in 1879.

At the Kings Buildings (the south part of Edinburgh University's campus) the biggest building is the James Clerk Maxwell Building. This houses the University's Physics Dept, and 25 years ago (when I was an undergraduate there) was the largest university building in Europe. It may still be. Perhaps one of the Edinburgh blippers knows?

Anyway Clerk Maxwell is often not given the credit he deserves, as without him we may not have all the electronic gadgets (such as our cameras and computers).

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