8th hole

I don't normally mind this hole which is around 380 yards. A good 5 iron from the tee leaves you with a 160 yard 8 iron into the green - but even if you cock the tee shot up and you have to play around the corner rather than being able to cut it off, you can still very easily be on the green in 3.

However, I really wish I hadn't laughed at Stuart today when he failed to make it to the other side of the bank when he tried to cut the corner and lost his ball, as karma struck ....

But a really superb game today. Coming into the 18th, all 3 of us where in contention for the win, and had Kevin not totally bottled an 18 inch putt, we would have had a three way tie. Fantastic :-)

And well done to the Shots for progressing into the second round of the Cup. It's been a while since we got further than Portsmouth!!

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