
You guessed it - more digging ! No toads this time but a slowworm, that by the time I got my camera had managed to crawl through the hole in this bit of wood! I did finish the bed and then found myself pulling up waist high grass on my very old raspberry bed when really I was feeling very hot and tired and should have gone straight home!
Once home I was entertained by a house sparrow with her 3 offspring. They all sat in my bird feeder and poor mum went from one open mouth to another. Occasionally she'd fly off, I think just to get a moments peace! The offspring would then sit quietly awaiting her return. 
Sorry I'm so behind on my blipping and your Journals - I'm out with Vegan Jo tomorrow and sister comes Friday for my birthday and to do a craft workshop for Nellie of The Woods in the village hall - so I'm going to be behind and absent for a while longer!

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