Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

I had planned to go to the gym, but needed to change that to a walk in the woods instead. It was warm and rather nice outside, at least under the trees. Temperature is going up tomorrow, there's talk about 27-28 degrees. Sweden hasn't had a spring this warm since 1911, so it's a bit strange. It's difficult to say now if it's because of global warming and climate change, because that can only be seen over time. If next spring, and next and next, has the same temperatures, then it's the climate change, if not...then it's just crazy weather.  Apparently this warmth will not last. June will be more as usual. 
The forest fire is deserted from almost all of the water containers, and of all the people. I guess it's safe and secure now. 
Because of the warmth, flowers have emerged everywhere. Lillys of the valley is such a beautiful and fragrant flower and I'm happy this one stood still form me for two seconds, since the winds been blowing.   

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