
Slept very poorly and finally stopped trying to go back to sleep at around 4 am, so went up to the allotment at around 8.30. Nice up there at that time - no other humans around and the birds still singing their heads off. I fed the ravenous beasts and sowed lots more beans; dwarf French, Painted Lady runners (almost called them Scarlet Woman there!), and some exotic french climbers from my pal Chris - Jacob's Cattle, Moca with Cherry, and Orca. Saw an orange-tip butterfly, but it was moving too fast for me to photograph, along with all the birds and the first tiny grasshopper of my season. So had to fall back on blipping something stationary, like this lovely aquilegia which has come up in the middle of the strawberry patch despite me scattering seed in other more distant (and appropriate) parts of the allotment.

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