watering can...
...seen in the red
christmas cactus - because the red deserves its time, too...
i tend to give more focus to my whites - simply 'cuz they're easier to photograph... at least i think so - and for some reason - i see more in them - more creative blurbs... a bit more fascination with being able to play around - i don't pretend to know what that's about - it just is what it is, really...
whereas the red - sigh... it gives me trouble - it takes longer to bud - longer to bloom, too... then trying to capture the red exactly as the red is - well, why is that such a challenge? reds are simply one of those things for me... yet today - i looked at this little blossoming bud - and my heart leapt with a bit of joy - for i was able to see, people... yup - a creative moment happened with my red - and i stood staring in disbelief belief - at a watering can... pouring out from the cactus - knowing this would be a monumental day...
can you see it - tipping ever so slightly - giving life to the rest of the plant - providing a suspension of your thinking - making for...
happy day.....
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