Double Trouble

This story begins with W saying, "When I was in Paris..."   On her recent trip she saw several pieces of stunning jewelry made with tatted lace and beads, and, being W, decided to try making something similar when she got home. After restringing some old glass beads, she began to crochet around them, making those lovely pink loops. That wasn't enough, so here she is adding tiny seed beads. Just underneath her fingernail, you can see the loop of the almost invisible crochet hook as she works into the existing chain stitch. The thread, barely visible, is regular sewing thread. Double crochet, slide in a bead, double crochet, ad infinitum. She is making a beautiful necklace and I was absolutely fascinated by her twinkling fingers, but, rest assured, not fascinated enough to actually ever try this. My auto mechanic actually has a tshirt that can protect us from this sort of thing: C's Auto Repair: Don't Try This At Home

The extra is a moth in the morning garden, looking very drab against the exploding rose. But look more closely: there is a subtle variety of greys and browns, and bits of glowing orange. What a creature!

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