Aliens 2!

The theme for this year's lantern parade was Aliens and to this end they had built a big alien face for the bonfire, however it was blown over last night so they rebuilt it and called it Alien 2, hence the title. I went down with some neighbours and they chose to stand at the top or the High St so I missed much of what was going on at the square but we still saw some amazing lanterns, flying saucers, daleks, a Tardis, aliens galore.
The evening ended with a very grand display of fireworks which gets bigger & better every year. Went back to the neighbours & had hubby had a dram or two, (Im on taxi for youngest daughter & her beau later on tonight)
I spent all bloddy day cleaning, scrubbing & scraping this damn house for it to be clean when youngest fledgling daughter brought the boyfriend home and do you know what? they were only in the house 5 bloody minutes when they were back out again! after my back breaking effort! Still the place is clean , for how long I dont know!
Happy blipping all

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