Silly Saturday: Those Magnificent Men...!
We popped down to the Quayside this afternoon, and by chance found that there were going to be some microlight aircraft flying over while we were there. It was an event called "Fly the Tyne", raising funds for "Streetwise", a charity which provides a range of health and wellbeing support services for young people aged 11-25yrs.
The aircraft were in fact a mixture of conventional light aircraft and microlights. The first few came over whilst we were having a cuppa at the cafe in the Sage, so this photo was taken through the windows of the building. I thought it could qualify for Silly Saturday for two reasons: Firstly you must be a bit silly to decide to fly in one of those tiny little machines anyway (apologies to any blippers who may do so themselves!), and secondly if I were in one I don't think I'd try to give hand signals like this chap seems to be doing (or is he just waving to the crowds?).
Getting good photos was tricky as you may imagine, but there's a few more on flickr, here.
Thanks as always to admirer for hosting Silly Saturday.
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