
By stellarossa


So two weeks ago this was s spot where I ate my breakfast on a sunny day with a bank of glossy ivy behind me with birds darting in and out. A wonderful insect haven too. Then my neighbour told me he wanted me to get rid of the ivy as he doesn’t like it. I said I did and could we find a compromise. He cut it at the roots (in my garden) and killed it. After a week of dead brown leaves, today he decided to cut it all off and it collapsed into my garden. I told him I felt bullied. I spent 5 hours cutting it up and made 4 trips to the tip - thank goodness for my lovely lodger Carmen helping out or I would still be doing it now. I value my relationship with my neighbours a lot so I have acquiesced to his demands but it doesn’t feel nice to be treated like this after 10 years of lovely neighbourliness. Anyway all our privacy is gone so I’ve asked they get a replacement fence up ASAP. The ivy was there long before either of us moved in, but I did like it a lot. So, looking forward... any ideas what I could grow here, a relatively sunny spot east/SE facing that will give my privacy and not cause another neighbour meltdown?

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