A Fahrenheit Life

By Pingirl

Any loose change, mate?

A most satisfying morning clearing out my wardrobe and drawers (oooh err, missus) and managed to fill two black bin bags for recycling. Seemed, therefore, like a good excuse to then go into town on a purchasing spree to fill-up some of the empty spaces..

Turned into a lovely sunny day as I joined the throngs of early Christmas shoppers bustling and shoving their way about the shops. This wee four legged chap was melting hearts outside Jenners.

Late afternoon on my way to the bus, I bumped into FBBB and Sweetpea so we nipped into The Georgian Tearooms at The Dome to enjoy the extravagant lights and decorations. In the lift, we met the 'lighting man' who challenged us to guess just how many lights there are. He wasn't for telling, though, as he said they run a competition to see who guesses closest.

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