Life through the Lens

By rvastu


went on a semi blip trip to the nature center with duckie today. it was actually really fun and we saw a whole family of deer when we strayed off of the main path. we also met people on the trail that asked us to take their picture and in turn offered to take ours. near the river we saw a dead bird or rather the remains of one and nearly died trying to take pictures of berries. inside the nature center office they had a really awesome play place for kids and reptiles/amphibians in viewing windows...not exactly the most authentic thing but it makes for a good picture. also if the snake above wasn't contained i would be nowhere near it. at the park we attempted to cross a frozen pond but that was kind of a fail since it wasn't fully frozen. it was actually rather nice out today (48 degrees!!) and superbowl ads are starting soon so yeah good day :)

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