Hobbs's Run

By hobbs


Woodchopping has long been a popular sport in Australia, often seen in country shows such as The Rhododendron Festival. Rhodo Sunday is "woodchop day" at the Ivanhoe.

Here's me, competing in one of the woodchop events. I didn't tell you that I was a professional axemen did I? You can tell it's me because of all the rippling muscles.

..... I get the distinct impression that some of you don't believe that this is me. Who is shooting the picture? Must you besiege me with irritating details like that?

Interestingly enough, Trisharooni, Jensphoto, Gemax, Jolang and I, were having a blipmeet at the pub while this was going on. Gemax happened to be standing next to me at the time but I had no idea what he would actually blip. Mmmm .... I wonder what HE posted

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