
I am likely to be missing for a while on account of this. The entire exterior of the house needs repainting and guess who has been delegated to do the job?
We started this morning with sanding and scraping and managed to get the walls either side of the garage door finished.
I will say one thing about the Finns and their paint. Compared with Ireland the price of paint is horrendously high BUT on the other it beats the socks off Irish paint. Our house is going to be painted even though we might get away without for another couple of years. It was last painted TWENTY YEARS ago. Our home in Ireland had to be redone every couple of years. Bear in mind the weather here. Snow and deep freeze for 3 months and now almost a month of plus twenties. Scorching! It takes some paint to put up with that.
One last thing. Nearly all paint here is water based. If you want oil based paint you have to search. No threatening the environment!

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