Common Bistort

Another early start to wake up Merlin and settle him back to sleep until a more sensible hour!  I'd resolved to go to the allotment early to water the seedlings I planted on Saturday.  I spent an hour or so there, watering, thinning out seedlings, cutting grass and trying to stop the ants climbing up my fruit trees and farming the honey dew produced by aphids.  Whilst I was there I spotted this flower in the grass.  Its not been there on previous years and I am not sure what it is.  At first I thought it was an orchid but then I saw the little 'hairs' on the end of each flower so I think it is something else.  I'll try to identify it and let you know what is the conclusion!  Update - we've managed to identify the flower as Common Bistort (Polygonum bistorta) - it is a perennial of damp meadows and rare in the south of the country where this was seen!

Another warm sunny day.  A few rumbles of thunder this afternoon but then it cleared up and we had a beautiful evening.  I am trying to appreciate the wonderfulness of it all whilst it lasts.

Best wishes to you all.

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