barking mad!

By mcd3

Long day

The phone rang at 4.30 this morning! (I dont like it and get in bit of a panic thinking bad news from afar) .....but was my bestest friend back in London phoning to tell me that she was engaged!! I was greetin', she was laughing with excitement! couldnt get back to sleep, so went for my coastal walk extra early.

Then into the city for Open House Perth. The weather was shocking, windy and it was peeing down! But still managed to have a neb in some very interesting buildings round the city. This is actually one of them which just happens to be a drinking establishment .... result!

Later went down to our local shops where a couple of our friends are venturing into catering - and are opening "British Indian" which, not surprisingly, will be selling curry! The food was very yummy indeed and I wish them every success!

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