The Many Adventures of Minny Blipper
Minny saw it coming and heard that distinctive NEE NAW NEE NAW NEE NAW, BROOOOOM, NEE NAW BROOOOM as the fire engine approached.
Someone had taken the initiative and called the fire brigade and asked for help. So the fire engine screeched in, and the police screeched in because by this time, a great crowd of minifigs was gathering to watch the fun. Poor Minny, he felt totally sidelined and unwanted and unappreciated; and let's face it, pretty much superfluous.
He thought to himself, why didn't I think to call the fire brigade? Now it's all over for me and Marie, she will think I'm useless.
A great cheer went up as the fire officer climbed the ladder and aimed the hose at the flames.
And then a great groan went up, as the fire officer lost his footing and plummeted to the ground.
And Minny spun into action. Taking a great leap, and using the core strength he had built up from the years of pole dancing, he leapt onto the ladder. Getting a good foothold, he scooted up as far as he could, and then he saw........
Join me next week for the next enthralling episode of Minny Blipper and the love of his life, Marie.
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