one small step

I recall where I was on July 20, 1969, when the first human put a foot on the moon.  I was 16 and at a summer camp. I can remember the sheer amazement I felt as I looked up at the moon that night, thinking that someone was there!
My dad went to his grave believing that it was all a NASA set up and that I, like millions of others, had been duped!
Every day we take things on trust, something that is now a rare commodity in days of "fake news".
I believe that humankind has been on the moon. I don't need to  have been there to have witnessed it to believe. I remain someone who trusts. I know that leaves me vulnerable to being taken in... but that is something I am willing to accept if it allows me to be generous towards others. Wouldn't it be great if we regained and offered trust to one another.

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