The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

studio one

...was the name of a range of hair products that were popular in my teens, though I was more of a Country Born gel girl for my hedgehog-like spikes. Mmmmm, the smell of the gel ... must rush and buy some on eBay!

Today I was working in the building I first knew as 'The Art College' though it's now The Centre for Science and Art. Earlier blip attempts had not gone well. I had gone back to the House of Horrors I blipped yesterday, to try to find the flat that had been let. There was no trace of anything that could be called habitable. Though when I was in another small garden below street level trying to photograph the house from a different angle, I heard a front door close, and I think, but cannot prove, it was the door of the house! But I saw no one.

Eel Marsh House in Susan Hill's The Woman in Black springs to mind. (I did not enjoy the film, but the book and the stage show were five-screams!)

Then I chanced upon a lager bottle amid some autumn leaves, but that would have been really taking the blip....then suddenly I was at work, stressing about not having a blip, when I looked at the windows, and thought, Wow! And Wow! again! The college was built in the heyday of the Victorian philanthropists, and has an elaborate facade and a brick back, but the best part is the enormous north-facing studios with these massive stained glass windows. I have blipped the outside of the building and written more about the college, here.

This is just one of the many windows with a view out over the residential area of Uplands. The spire of All Saints church may just be visible in Large, though it is partly obscured by the window leading (I was feeling too polite to ask some of the artists to move out of the way).

After the class I got chatting to one of the group members I recognised, and because I had my iPad on me, ended up showing some of my blips to the people who were still there. That is a first, showing my stuff to artists! Usually if I am asked if I am an artist, I say quickly, 'No, I'm a writer' but today for the first time I had something to display. I also wangled an invitation to visit a fresco artist's studio that is to be built within the walls of an abandoned carpet factory, which will mean, of course, that I get to sniff 'n' blip around the old factory.

Let's hope there are no rats.

PS I changed the photo because my colour processing had not done the shot any favours. I have now lost the comments from everyone who posted: sorry! I was trying to do things a lazy way and realised too late that the comments would go!

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