Three Colors
Dear Diary,
Everyday it seems something new is blooming. These three stars, Jacob's Ladder, Allium and Iris, are on stage right now. When I was photographing them it reminded me, of all things, of a lesson in color I would do each year with my first graders. They were learning the color wheel and discovering color variation like blue-violet and red-violet. They would collect little bits of color, a bottle cap or candy wrapper, and put it in a large jar of the right color. This took weeks of collecting until we had nearly filled jars of the twelve colors of the color wheel. They then used the bits and pieces to create little color collages in one of the color harmonies, like monochromatic or complimentary.
I find it so funny what will trip a memory. I wasn't thinking of teaching while I was photographing these flowers but when I put together the collage to post today it sprung into my mind! After a winter of white, color is foremost in my mind now. I visited my favorite nursery yesterday to pick up a couple of plants to fill in some gaps in the garden. It does seem I've lost a few over the winter. Hopefully the weather will warm up a bit. It has been decidedly chilly the last few days.
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