Quod oculus meus videt

By GrahamColling

Breakfast Feast

Our kitchen looks out on to the road where we live.  It's a typical modern estate, short drives, limitations on walls and enclosures around the front lawn.  The sum total of planting is a winter flowering cherry tree and a small group of berberis plants.

As I put the kettle on, I could see four or five blue tits methodically moving around the plants, collecting small grubs before flying off to their nest, returning shortly after for another feast.  When I saw it, I grabbed the camera and attempted to capture the behaviour.  Frustratingly, the only shots with their beaks filled with the grubs were poor quality.  Hardly surprising if you look at the metadata, it wasn't very bright first thing!

Finally finished the new area of paving, so we now have 5 areas of border to plant.  Queue a visit to the local plant nursery.  In this day and age it is always a pleasure to visit one where the plants come first, rather than the place feeling more like a department store (what I'd call a garden centre)!  Even so, they seem to have expanded to include a little curio shop and an equestrian supplier. Still the area for plants heavily out number that for non-plant items.

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